Federal & State Search
- Trademark search To find out what other companies are using the same name or similar phrases, you may use the USPTO search.
- State Search All 50 states are searched in the same way using the state search.
- Detailed online report Any matches are found with all the details you need to plan your next move.
Federal,State & Common Law Search
- Information from the Federal and State Searches, as well as the following additional details:
- Corporate name search All 50 states are included in our search for company names and other business entities
- Corporate Directories We do a check of corporate directories to see whether your name is already being used by anybody else.
- Common law The usage of your name that may be protected by common law trademarks may be found via private internet searches.
- Domain names Your name is searched against the most frequent top-level domain names.
Global Search
- Global search In these multi-national countries, we look for pending and registered marks
- Domain names The European community
- Domain names World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).